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Poipoia te kakano kia puawai! - Ready, Steady, Grow!

Writer: Whaea LisaWhaea Lisa

Aku whakapāha e te iwi mo te takaroa o taku tuhinga tuatoru. Kua pokea katoa au i te mahi - mahi tiaki pēpī, mahi kaiwhakaako, mahi pakihi anō hoki, e hika kua hinahina aku makawe (ktk). Kei pōhēhē te hunga pānui he amuamu tēnei kōrero, e kare kāo! E koa ana te ngākau i ēnei mahi katoa, e tohu ana i te tipuranga o tō mātou pakihi - no reira painga ki roto i tēnā. Kua toru wiki mātou e koke ana i te huarahi nei, ā he nui ngā akoranga me ngā wheako kua hua mai.

Everyday we're learning something new & taking steps to grow in this crazy ao known as business ownership, & it's been a full on journey so far. We attended our second event in our second week, and we were invited out to the Hikoia Te Kōrero event here in tāmaki. This was particularly special because it was the first event that we were able to do together as a whānau. Our babies helped with the set up - as best they could, and even minded the both for me while I fed & changed our boss baby. Admittedly they were probably more trouble than anything else, but it was still a great experience to have them be a part of. There was so much more learning that happened and we even made a few sales which was a bonus!

For me personally I have found that the networks and exposure we get from these kaupapa has been far more valuable than having actual sales, which brings me to my next kaupapa - growth. Majority of this journey has happened unconventionally and spontaneously, so we are taking some small steps to learn the ropes along the way including some professional development and courses to help us do this right. I've signed myself up for a few business workshops to help me wrap my head around the administrative side of things like finances and tax, which is super important to get right. I believe that in order for us to grow, we need to make sure we get the foundations right. Getting advice and guidance means we're fertilising the soil for our kakano.

All growth means progress, and all progress means growth. We're grateful for all of our customers no matter how big or small their purchases are, and we're also grateful for all of the post shares, likes, and subscribers that have followed along with us - some from day 1! I still get butterflies everytime I get a notification to say someone has liked our page, or commented on one of our posts. All of these small things are so meaningful for us, and will be great memories when we look back at our journey a year from now.

We're still getting the hang of things on the insta side of things... bare with us as we iron out the kinks. learning to manage multiple social media accounts is a real juggling act. I make a point of acknowledging every order that we put out by posting it to our pages and giving those customers a little shout out. It's something I've started and mean to continue mo te ake ake!

It's been a pretty hard road getting up and running, and one of the areas that we're looking to improve is our inventory growth. At the moment I am a one man band and so I am trying to juggle incoming orders, enquiries, manage a website and finances, all on top of my day-day Mummy duties and my full time job as a kaiako. It's a slow process, but we're getting there. I've set some realistic goals for getting new inventory up, and have prioritised tasks to meet these deadlines. Our next item to drop will be our tāmoko stencils, and we've already had heaps of interest - watch this space. I'm both excited and scared at the same time, but we take each day as it comes - and when all else fails you can check back here and read all about it ktk.

Ka nui ngā pahupahu mo te wā nei - it is a bit of a maroke read this week (arohamai). I promised myself I would write and reflect often so that when i take over the world (my end goal) I can look back and smile on humble moments like these. Heoi anō e hika mā, kia pai o koutou wiki, e rere ana ngā whakaaro ki a koutou te hunga kaiwhakaako e ngana ana mo te mutunga o te wiki - nau mai e ngā rā whakatā.

Mā te wā




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